Fix vulnerabilities before they are exploited by cybercriminals
Provide independent assurance of security controls
Supply the insight needed to prioritise future security investments
Demonstrate continuous commitment to security

Critical Threats & Vulnerabilities Detected
We provide a multitude of penetration testing services. These include both internal and external penetration testing, application security testing and mobile application security assessment (android, apple and windows). Alongside these we also offer wireless network security assessment and cloud penetration testing
The Challenge
Interconnected networks of partners and clients’ remote offices, wireless LANs and the internet have created multiple avenues for attackers to infiltrate.
The Solution
Businesses need to proactively identify any security gaps that might be exploited by external or internal attacks. Utilising JTSecurity’s experts, testing is conducted in a controlled environment – without compromising business operations.
Expert Analysts
- Industry best certifications.
- Tailored approach provided by experts.
Real-world Testing
- Based on industry leading standards and the latest attack techniques.
- Embed a continuous governance model to ensure improvement.
Manual Testing Combined with Automated Tools
- Automation of common security tests.
- Followed by manual testing by our experienced security testing consultants.
Elevate Cyber Defence
- Get the complete picture from our certified analysts.
- Illuminate risks & incidents.
- Receive recommended security posture enhancements.
Precise, Action-oriented & Flexible Reporting
- Risk based and patch prioritised time.
Access to Skilled Consultants
- Access to World-class Security Consultants.
- Learn attacker Tactics, Techniques and Procedures (TTPs) used in real work cyberattacks.